Passion for cooking


All for Your Culinary Adventures

Explore new horizons in cooking with a wide variety of ingredients at your fingertips. Whether you're a seasoned chef or an aspiring foodie, Wiggo freezers give you the freedom to experiment and create culinary masterpieces. Join the Wiggo family and embark on a journey where your passion for cooking meets your commitment to health. Experience the convenience, freshness, and culinary possibilities that our freezers bring to your kitchen.

Round Gradient Shadow

No Frost

168 L

40 dB

Electronic Temperature Control

Reversible Door

Round Gradient Shadow
Round Gradient Shadow


Round Gradient Shadow


Available dımensıon


The 3Cs : Clear, Cool, and Convenient

Whether you're a meal prepper, a cooking enthusiast, or simply someone who loves to keep things tidy, Wiggo's intelligently designed compartments are your secret to efficient and stress-free freezer storage. Experience the joy of an orderly freezer where everything has its place, and your culinary creations are just a reach away.



40 dB


We offer 5 years

Warranty for this product


Energy Class E

Less energy consumption



Fast Delivery Icon

Fast Delivery

Buy today, cook tomorrow – it’s that simple!

Cook up a storm with Wiggo’s fast delivery! Just place your order, and we’ll make sure you receive it the very next working day. Start enjoying your kitchen to the fullest with Wiggo!

maintenance icon

Instant Installation

Forget the Hassle of Installation!

Our team of experts will ensure you receive your product with the fastest, most careful unpacking and installation possible. With just one click, you’ll be able to enjoy.

Customer Support Fast Repair

24/7 Support

Say Goodbye to Broken Kitchen Dreams!

Our support service is here to ensure your products keeps cooking and your kitchen appliances remain sparkling clean for 5 whole years after your purchase.

Cleaning Hand Icon


Trust us for expert maintenance!

Trust Wiggo for expert maintenance of your kitchen appliances. Our skilled technicians ensure peak performance and extended lifespan for your hobs, ovens, dishwashers, fridges, and more.

Veggies Splashing on Water

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